IV Therapy For The Hills 

IV Therapy For The Hills 

IV therapy The Hills Rehab Thailand : The Hills Rehab in Thailand, located in the serene foothills of Chiang Mai, offers a comprehensive IV Drip Therapy as part of its treatment program. This therapy is included among various medical and wellness services provided at the facility, which also features an onsite hospital for safe detoxification and medical supervision.

The rehab center is equipped to handle a range of issues, including addiction, trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. IV Drip Therapy, along with other treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), meditation, and exercise programs, is tailored to support recovery and promote overall well-being. The therapy is administered under the supervision of a qualified medical team, including specialists in anti-aging and regenerative medicine​

IV therapy involves the administration of fluids, medications, and nutrients directly into the bloodstream through a vein. This method allows for rapid absorption and distribution of substances throughout the body. IV therapy is commonly used in medical settings for various purposes, and it can also be utilized for wellness and health purposes in certain situations. Here are some key aspects of IV therapy.

IV Therapy

Liver detoxification

The liver plays a crucial role in the body’s detoxification processes, filtering and metabolizing substances to maintain overall health. Liver detoxification has become a popular concept in the realm of wellness, with individuals seeking ways to support and enhance this vital organ’s functions. This article delves into the mechanisms of liver detoxification, common practices associated with liver detox, and considerations for maintaining liver health.

What Are the Liver’s Main Functions?

  • The liver represents the human body’s primary filtration system, converting toxins into waste products, cleansing your blood, and metabolizing nutrients and medications 
  • the liver also breaks down proteins and converts amino acids into useable energy. It produces circulating proteins that helps blood clot normally while breaking down old blood cells. For people who abuse drugs or alcohol, the liver must work extra hard to detoxify these substances and remove the harmful byproducts from metabolizing damaging substances.

What Are the Liver’s Main Functions ?

  • The liver represents the human body’s primary filtration system, converting toxins into waste products, cleansing your blood, and metabolizing nutrients and medications 
  • the liver also breaks down proteins and converts amino acids into useable energy. It produces circulating proteins that helps blood clot normally while breaking down old blood cells. For people who abuse drugs or alcohol, the liver must work extra hard to detoxify these substances and remove the harmful byproducts from metabolizing damaging substances.
  • The most common drugs that cause liver injury include excessive dosages of acetaminophen, cocaine, phencyclidine, and alcohol. Drug- or alcohol-induced liver injury has become the most common cause of needing a liver transplant.

How drugs and alcohol damage the liver ?

  • Long-term alcohol and drug use is the most common single cause of illness and death from liver disease. The liver is where alcohol and drugs are metabolized.
  • When the liver functions for long periods of time with damage, a variety of liver issues can occur, including:
  1. Fatty liver
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver
  3. Alcohol hepatitis

How Do You Detox the Liver ?

1. Stop Drinking

The liver will never heal and repair itself as long as it is still processing alcohol. Reducing alcohol intake is not enough. Even small amounts of alcohol will continue to damage an unhealthy liver. Quitting the bottle altogether is best.

2. Kick the Other Drugs/Addictions

Like alcohol, other substances like cigarettes or recreational drugs can impede the process of liver repair. Their elimination is an important component of liver detox.

3. Eat Healthy Foods

Processed foods, saturated fat, and sugar can put a strain on the liver. The path to restoring the liver should include cutting foods from the diet that are more difficult for the liver to process. Increasing fresh fruit and vegetablesin the diet is healthier for the liver as well as the rest of the body. Foods that are known to cleanse the liver are:

  • Apples
  • Beetroot
  • Garlic
  • Green, leafy vegetables
  • Lemons
  • Tumeric
  • Walnuts

4. Exercise Regularly

Moving the body every day can prevent obesity, improve the immune system, and reduce the risk of liver cancer. Plus, exercising forat least twenty minutes each day improves overall wellness.

5. Avoid Toxins

Be mindful of over-the-counter and prescription medications, as they can put stress on the liver. Limit exposure to chemical sprays such as spray paint, pesticides, and any other form of aerosol spray. Clean, toxin-free bodies are healthier bodies.

6 IV liver detox

“IV liver detox” generally refers to the administration of intravenous (IV) therapy with the intention of supporting liver health and detoxification processes. While there is a growing interest in using IV therapy for various wellness purposes, including liver support, it’s important to note that the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of IV therapy specifically for liver detoxification is limited.



“brain detox” is not a term widely recognized in conventional medical or scientific literature. However, some individuals and alternative health practitioners use the term to describe practices aimed at supporting cognitive health, reducing mental fatigue, and promoting overall well-being. It’s important to note that the brain naturally maintains its health through various physiological processes, and the term “brain detox” may be more of a metaphorical or popular expression rather than a scientifically established concept.

What Happens to Your Brain During the Initial Substance Abuse ?

  • If you have fallen into a pattern of addiction and substance abuse, you have developed more than a mere physical dependence on your vice of choice — you’ve also altered your brain chemistry. Throughout your experience, your brain has been forced to adapt to this mind-altering chemical you introduced into your bloodstream. Its presence has changed how your brain functions, changing everything from our pleasure receptors to our chemical responses and associations. 
  • It can stop dopamine production until it feels its presence again, creating difficulty in breaking the addiction feedback loop. When you begin to withhold the substance, your brain will respond accordingly by seeing a sharp drop in your natural production of serotonin and dopamine. 

How Drugs Affect The Brain

It is possible for your brain to work less effectively when you suffer from substance abuse disorder. The brain’s normal chemistry can be altered by drugs. At first, you might not notice much of a difference in your behavior, but as your brain adapts to drug use, your behavior may gradually become erratic. Your behavior may change if your brain has been or is currently affected by drug use.

  • Controlling Impulses.

You will often experience strong impulse reactions if you’re battling addiction. Risky behavior might result when this occurs.

  • Controlling Emotions. 

Emotions can be obscured by drug use in many ways. If you are overly emotional after the high, you might lose control, turn back to drugs, or lash out emotionally.

  • Memory Loss. 

The hippocampus, which is a part of your brain that helps you remember information, can be affected by some drugs. Having substance abuse challenges can make it difficult for you to remember bills, events, important dates, meetings, and social events.

  • Reward System Trick.

You are more likely to take drugs again and again since drugs trick and rewire the brain’s pleasure system.

  • Flexible thinking.

Information may be processed differently in the brain when you take drugs. Your learning, adapting, or changing behavior will be difficult if you’re having difficulty absorbing new information. Changing bad or harmful habits can also be difficult.

  • Mental health. 

The activity of your brain can be slowed with depressant drugs. Sleep patterns are often disrupted by stimulants. The central nervous system may be depressed by opioids. Your anxiety level can rise and your sensory perception can be altered by hallucinogens. The combined effects of all of these factors can put you at risk for mental health disorders.


Anti oxidant boost up

Boosting antioxidant levels in the body is often considered beneficial for overall health, as antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Free radicals are molecules that can damage cells and contribute to various health issues, including inflammation and chronic diseases. Here are some ways to enhance your antioxidant intake for a “boost up”

Oxidants and Antioxidants in Addicts

  • Drug addiction has shown that with increased production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS), the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants such as glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase activities, and also the concentration of vitamins A, E, C and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) decrease in opium addiction. 
  • Chronic drug and alcohol addiction leads to oxidative stress, where free radicals and pro-inflammatory chemicals such as reactive oxygen species are more abundant in circulation than anti-inflammatory compounds.
  • So these drugs deplete the body’s natural antioxidants and cause an oxidant imbalance that results in several adverse changes, including cognitive impairment and neurological toxicity.
  • As an essential part of the weaning-off process, glutathione is delivered to the brain through the bloodstream, where it restores this balance, potentially reversing many of these oxidant-induced changes. It helps to expedite the detoxification from toxins.

What is Chelation ?

Chelation therapy is a chemical process in which a synthetic solution—EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)—is injected into the bloodstream to remove heavy metals and/or minerals from the body. Chelation means “to grab” or “to bind.” When EDTA is injected into the veins, it “grabs” heavy metals and minerals such as lead, mercury, copper, iron, arsenic, aluminum, and calcium and removes them from the body.

Chelation therapy

Chelation therapy is a medical treatment that involves the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals, minerals, and other substances from the body. Chelating agents are substances that can bind to metals and form a complex, allowing for the elimination of the metal from the body through urine. While chelation therapy has established medical uses, it has also been controversial and subject to debate, particularly in alternative and complementary medicine.

Heavy Metals and Addiction

  • Exposure to lead is usually considered only when a patient’s history points to well-known traditional sources of lead. Although the incidence of lead poisoning has declined, the new forms of this type of poisoning still exist. Recently, unusual causes of chronic lead poisoning such as substance abuse.
  • Not only lead but also cadmium mercury arsenic

NAD Plus Therapy

  • NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme in all living cells. It comes into two forms: NAD+ and NADH. NAD turns the food energy into cellular energy, allowing each cell in the body to perform its normal functions. It is necessary for normal brain function. However, alcohol and drug addiction deplete normal brain NAD levels. Restoring your body’s normal NAD levels can help you feel better, boost cellular regeneration, and help curb cravings and withdrawal symptoms during addiction recovery.
  • NAD IV treatment delivers building blocks of NAD straight into your bloodstream via an intravenous (IV) infusion. These molecules increase the production of NAD, supplying nutrition and energy to brain cells and aiding in restoring normal brain function.
  • According to the study, NAD IV therapy came out with a 90 percent success ratein alcohol and drug detoxificationand a 7 percent relapse rate.

What is NAD+ Therapy ?

NAD+ therapy consists of a slow IV NAD+ drip. A medical professional will insert a needle into your arm and connect it to tubing that delivers a liquid to your bloodstream. The actual infusion process is fairly straightforward and is completed in as little as 30 to 45 minutes.

NAD+ therapy is useful in treating a variety of ailments, including:

  • Drug addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)
  • Aging
  • Neurodegenerative diseases

Why is NAD Therapy Advised for Addiction Reduction ?

  • It is essential to remember that addicts have a depleted amount of NAD because of their heightened drug or alcohol dependence. This is what addictive drugs do. It causes mental health problems and gives the patients significantly less energy to function. Restoring NAD levels will restore the individual’s positive feelings and healthy brain function.
  • There are two key reasons why NAD therapy is advised as a powerful treatment option for addiction reduction.
  • NAD IV therapy can help in the detoxification of a person’s body. The drugs abused will be flushed out of your system more quickly and efficiently. With this, you will likely notice that the withdrawal symptoms during the detoxification period pass more quickly.
  • The second significant reason why NAD treatment is frequently utilized to treat addiction is that higher NAD levels can lower cravings for particular substances that you misused in the past.

Effectiveness of NAD IV Therapy for Addiction

NAD IV therapy is gaining in popularity as an addiction treatment. According to the study, Infusions of IV NAD have considerable clinical benefits for alcohol and drug withdrawal. This streamlines the rehab process and may have a long-term positive impact on mental health.

The benefits of NAD therapy for treating addiction are as follows:

  • Natural Relief

The primary benefit of NAD infusion as a therapeutic option for addiction is considered a more natural approach. NAD IV therapy does not have the same side effects and risks as other illegal or prescription drugs used for drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

  • Helps in Detoxification

Addicts usually have a high level of free radicals in their bodies long after they decide to seek refuge from alcohol or drug abuse. For example, cocaine addicts are most likely to have nitroxide radicals in their system. If left unaddressed, these radicals can cause considerable damage to the human body and affects mental clarity. Fortunately, the use of NAD therapy can assist in the elimination of most free radicals and toxins produced by drugs and other variables like aging, stress, and depression.

  • Helps in Controlling Cravings

People in recovery are understandably concerned about craving management. NAD, unlike some other treatments, does not just dull the desire to participate in unhealthy behaviors. Instead, it can lessen the underlying cause of cravings by enhancing mental and physical health. This more holistic treatment approach is significantly more sustainable than pharmaceutical interventions.

  • Boosts Energy Levels

NAD has a powerful impact on cognitive function, which makes it have a positive effect on mood. NAD supplements enhance the body’s efficiency in creating energy at the cellular level. It helps to ensure that the individual does not feel a lack of energy or “crashes” while undergoing therapy.

  • Reduces Chronic Pain

Patients undergoing addiction treatment usually feel pain during the withdrawal phase. In addition, experiencing withdrawal symptomscan be unpleasant. Thankfully, this coenzyme helps in detoxification by easing withdrawal symptoms.

Throughout the withdrawal phase, the patient’s body strives for the pleasant feeling that the addictive substance provides. When the body doesn’t get it, adverse side effects like pain usually result. That’s why this holistic approach to treatment is crucial.

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