
Burnout is a severe work-related problem that leaves individuals in a state of extreme emotional exhaustion, which leads to ineffectiveness and a total lack of motivation. Many people experience burnout after a prolonged period of stress and anxiety.

Burnout The Hills

What Is The Main Cause Of Burnout ?

Burnout Syndrome syndrome is often caused by work that is done, such as a heavy workload and a large workload. Including the work is complicated. Must be done in a hurry Having trouble prioritizing tasks Lack of decision-making power Do work that you’re not good at. Having to solve problems alone without having an advisor Feeling invisible at work or not being part of the team is not rewarded. or a reward that is sufficient for what has been dedicated The amount of work is inconsistent with the number of personnel. Management system in the workplace that goes against our values and purpose in one’s own life

How Does Burnout Feel ?

Emotional symptoms such as feeling stressed, tired, weak, not refreshed, lacking enthusiasm, feeling sad, discouraged, hopeless, depressed, easily irritated, easily angered, neglectful, dissatisfied with the work done. Feeling unhappy at work There is no goal in working. don’t want to come to work I want to quit my job.

If you have felt things like, but not limited to these :

  • Inability to recharge after leaving your workplace
  • Inability to relax
  • Noticed unhealthy coping strategies (e.g., drinking))
  • Have difficulties sleeping or wake up still tired
  • Anger management issue

How can The Hills Rehab help you overcome burnout?

We believe in the science behind the combination of holistic practices and a therapeutic approach :

1. Focus on self-care

To help you replenish your physical and emotional energy, along with your capacity to focus, create good sleep habits, balanced meals, healthy exercise routine with our expert team, improve healthy social connection, and a variety of practices that promote your well-being – like daily yoga, breathwork, meditation, weekly chats with our visiting monk, sound bowls therapy, art therapy, TRE (Trauma Release Exercises), massages, nature excursions in beautiful locations, taking notes, etc.

Burn out. Burn out from work.
Burn out. Burn out from work.

2. Teach you how to shift your perspective

Whilst relaxation and replenishment can help you ease your exhaustion and promote efficacy, they do not entirely address the source of burnout. Our programme also offers group sessions, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)as well as 1-1 individual sessions to help you learn how to manage daily stressors in healthier and more assertive ways.

Through these sessions, you will learn not only how to reduce exposure to job stressors by resetting your expectations of yourself and others but also how to develop healthier interpersonal interactions with safe boundaries that will allow you to recognise when you need a break.

3. Our personal programme

Our personal programme will allow you the space to relax and reset at your own pace, respecting your needs and your privacy, being surrounded by a beautiful and relaxing environment in the middle of nature, and promoting the peace you need.

Burnout can frequently feel overwhelming; this is only a signal to help you slow down. We will guide you to understand the symptoms and causes and how to implement and put in place strategies to recover and avoid falling into the same traps. What you are experiencing today could become the stepping stone to help you live a sustainable and happier life.

Burnout Burn out from work.

Free Consultation

Are you in need of assistance on your journey to recovery? Contact us. We are here to help. At our reputable rehab center, we offer a complimentary consultation to provide guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.

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